There are many issues effecting the earth and our survival. One of them is basic to our life on earth: Water ! Without water we cannot survive. I chose this topic for the Conversing with the Earth challenge as a way to highlight this plight.
In this first in a series "Water" quilt, I hope to make the viewer aware of the importance of clean drinking water. In The U.S. and other prosperous countries, we take clean tap water as a given. This is not always the case. There are many factors that effect our water supply, including the soil near wells, the pollutants that enter the streams and rivers and the contaminates that are dumped into them. Let's do our part to preserve clean drinking water for our health, safety and survival.

24 X 32 June 2024

This quilt was made from my own hand printed fabrics made with procion dyes. It is pieced with a tiny bit of fused applique. Free motion quilted on a domestic machine.