In December I wrote on my personal blog about Plans. and how they do change when situations develop, for whatever reasons. I was referring to my original plan of incorporating more mud cloth in all three pieces of the Conversing with the Earth challenge; I had intended to give them a rather coherent look, indicating that they all belonged to a small series. A move in the fall caused a bit of chaos, I had a hard time finding the mud cloth pieces, and when I finally did, the larger piece simply objected to being cut up. Somewhere in my boxes I know there must be another one, in reverse color sequence, i.e. white background with black marks. It refused to be found, and it still hasn't reappeared, which forced me to rethink.
I started with a piece of fabric I had been gifted by Jan Soules when meeting her in California in November 2023.

Trying various arrangements with remnants from here and there, I finally thought I would include some of the Afghan embroideries I still had lying around.

For a coherent appearance the embroideries were surrounded with black linen fabric.

It took a good while of juggling various items, discarding others, and rearranging new ones.

By now, the piece has been quilted, and although I had wanted the embroideries to be less obvious in what they represent, that didn't happen, hence the title. Not a conversation with the Earth, but a proposition to Let's watch over Her!

Facing and sleeve still need to be added.